In a non-binding opinion issued on November 2, 2023, the Public Access Counsel (PAC) determined that a Board of Education did not violate the Open Meeting Act’s (OMA) public recital requirement when it did not recite the name of the probationary employees being non-renewed prior to voting on the action. (2023 PAC 76897)

The matter came before the PAC when the Union argued the Board had violated the OMA when it “failed to sufficiently inform the public of the business being conducted before taking final action to not renew non-tenured teachers.” According to the Union, the Board was required to state the names of the teachers it was voting to non-renew and failure to state their names made the Board action invalid.

For more information on this decision: if you are a Client please visit the Client Portal or feel free to reach out to Kevin Gordon or another Kriha Boucek attorney if you have any questions about this decision or any other Open Meetings Act matters.