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KB Friday Recap: August 20, 2021
Check out our Friday Recap by watching the video below...
KB Friday Recap: August 13, 2021
Check out our Friday Recap by watching the video below...
Opting Out of Curriculum Mandates
Recently, a school in Utah made national headlines when it allowed parents to opt their children out of Black History Month curriculum. The school eventually reversed its decision, but not before a significant backlash emerged. [...]
KB Friday Recap: August 6, 2021
Check out our Friday Recap by watching the video below...
KB Friday Recap: July 30, 2021
Check out our Friday Recap by reviewing KB Deep Breaths July 30, 2021 Or watch the video below:
Federal Court Upholds College Vaccination Requirement
“Reasonable social policy is for the state legislatures and its authorized arms, and for the People to demand through their representatives.” With those words, a federal judge concluded a 101-page decision rejecting a challenge by [...]
KB Webinar: Responding to Curriculum Opt-Outs
Join Darcy and Cassie as they discuss trends in parent requests to opt their child out of curriculum mandates and how to respond to these requests.